October 2023 Affiliate Meeting
Location: Glenwood Springs
Date: 10/7/23
Board Members Present: Denise Smith (treasurer), Kala Kluender (member at large)
Attendees: Anita Sheetz, Brenda Hanson, Kerrie Kuhl, Teresa Hall, Lindsey Bischoff, Linda Viera, Sarah Rauch, Adrian Medina, Jamie Johar, Tiffini Young, Claire Rundell, Kelsey Magnuson, Erin Crawley, Susan Mitchell, Elisa Patterson, Brenda Hanson
10th Annual Harvey Cohen MD Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Summit - registration is open: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harvey-cohen-md-maternal-morbidity-mortality-summit-2023-registration-597914948707
- Event is in person, Friday November 10th, 2023 from 7am-6pm at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center.
- Multi-disciplinary presentations of topics including cardiac, MVA, C/S scar pregnancy, mental health, cancer, sepsis and transfer
ACNM – Annual Meeting This year ACNM has changed the national meeting to a focus on the state and regional level meetings. The national office will support the meeting by promoting meetings on social media and/or ads.
No annual meeting in 2024
Colorado ACNM group considering another Symposium in May 2024
Affiliate Election – Elections for the Affiliate Board are coming up in December 2024. This year we elect: VP, Treasurer, and one Member-at-Large. Please spread the word and encourage friends and colleagues to consider running for office!
Contact Jeanne for nominations: email JeannaPBair@gmail.com
Treasury report: Denise Smith
Don’t have an established a system for receiving due payments from ACNM (they owe us about $3000)
Current balance: $15,695
Monthly recurring payment to lobbyist $1500/month
Limiting expenses
Money raised by JEDI Committee for scholarship - $2500 (from golf tournament), will not know money raised from 5K until the end of the month
ACNM Foundation reports twice a year to sum total of accounts, latest report is $16,000 in fund for the Colorado diversity scholarship with ACNM foundation. We pay out money to scholarship to midwifery student in Colorado. 1-2 scholarship awarded per year.
Legislation Update: Elisa Patterson
STATE (SGAC): Has representatives from almost every state, working with Colorado Montana and North Dakota, meeting every other month. Erin Sing is leader of that group, she is a great advocacy person to discuss legislation in different states. CMAC - passed legislation in CO for CM licensure in the state as of July 2024.
NATIONAL (NGAC): Patrick Cooney is national lobbyist - kept up ACNM involvement in national legislation
Jedi Committee: Elisa Patterson
Would love more members! Meeting monthly.
2 recent fundraisers
Golf tournament raised $2500 for first year, only 2 midwives participated, around 40 people total participated. Planning to do annually.
5K annual walk, this year was 3rd year during National Midwifery Week (total raised pending).
Goal is to raise $25,000 in first 5 years to endow the scholarship fund. Currently 3 years in and at $16,000!
Region VI update: Jessica Ellis
Working hard to keep ACNM running, Michelle Monroe interim CEO is doing a great job
Consolidating debts, making realistic budgeting decisions.
No annual meeting, affiliates are planning local meetings instead.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns about national membership!
Project Cure: Kris Combs Kris will be stepping down from her role as lead for Project Cure Leah Rashidyan has graciously agreed to assume leadership along with Jennifer Fields CNM who will be continuing in a co-leadership role. Thanks to Kris for all her hard work in this role!
CU SNMs taking next work day on 10/15/23 - no limit on number of people in the warehouse so if anyone wants to join please do!
Stride Clinic in Denver is signed up for November date
No availability in December due to Holidays
Contact Info:
Jennifer Fields 720-334-1607, FerFields@gmail.com
Kris Combs 720-934-9100, Krismidwife@gmail.com
Next Affiliate meeting : November 9, 2023 @ 7 pm is the next scheduled meeting.