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Colorado Affiliate Meeting Minutes: November 2023


November 2023 Affiliate Meeting

Location: Zoom

Date: 11/9/23

Board Members Present: Jeanne Bair (president), Denise Smith (treasurer), Terra Rhoades (secretary), Kala Kluender (member at large)

Attendees: Shelby Smith, Kelsey Sprecher, Amber Johnson, Tamara Cramer, Roxanne Albert, Ellen Brodrick, Merrilynn Artman, Ashley Seguin, Haven Shoemaker, Adrian Medina, Elisa Patterson


· Congrats to the CU program for $2 million grant to bring midwifery care to rural Colorado!!

  • Covers full tuition and fees + $30K per year of living expenses. The commitment is that the recipient will practice in a rural area after graduation. Special part of the program to prepare for rural practice and send students to rural clinical sites. Recruiting MSN and post-graduate certificates students. Info sessions posted on Anschutz website over the next month. There will be 2 application cycles - spring and fall. If you know people interested in rural practice - encourage to apply or to attend information sessions!

  • Posting position for rural facility member by 12/1/23

Affiliate Elections: VP, Treasurer, and Member at Large

  • If anyone interested in applying for a position, send email to Jeanne with your name, short bio and which position you’d like to run for. Questions - email Jeanne or Kala for job description. Sending ballot out soon!

Amber Johnson - Colorado Perinatal Care Quality Collaborative:

  • CO Focus: clinical care, behavioral health, advocacy and policy

  • Clinical Care:

    • 2 AIM patient safety bundles: primary cesarean reduction, perinatal substance use

    • Hospital setting is considered an independent risk factor for C/S, C/S birth rates vary from 7-45% at hospitals within the state. Midwifery lowers interventions. SOAR (supporting vaginal delivery for low-risk mothers), only hospital based programs at this time. Program involves data tracking and analysis back to the hospital, quality improvement program, grant funded so hospitals don’t have to buy in. Hospitals need to sign up by January 15th to participate (Jan - Dec 2024), timely opportunity!

    • Care for Pregnant and Postpartum People with Substance Use Disorders (CO AIM: SUD) - teach RNs to universally screen and teach providers how to provide treatment or refer for treatment. MOMS+ is a component of this program - training for providers to provide MAT (free!)

    • Ask your unit leadership if your hospital is involved!!


  • Contact Amber Johnson CNM, DNP with questions:

CO Affiliate Symposium: Denise Smith

  • Tentative Date/ Location: Friday April 19, 2024 @ Anschutz campus.

  • No national meeting this coming year, they are encouraging affiliates to do their own event and invite people from out of the state. 6 CE’s for attendance.

  • As an external group, the affiliate is required to pay $1400 rental fee for conference center on Anschutz campus

  • Food similar to last year - breakfast and lunch, no happy hour. Plan to have fewer sponsors and charge more for sponsorship to make more room for people.

  • Need 10 people to do a specific job for the event, so if interested in helping, reach out to Denise. Will send out email with job descriptions.

Treasury report: Denise Smith

  • ACNM owes us about $4000 for missing dues over the course of 2023, we received 2 months of remittance today so now they owe about $2000. Current account balance $14,700. Regularly sending out notices that dues are due. Some people are still having issues renewing membership with the website - please reach out to national office if you are having any trouble.

  • Lobbyist cost us $18,000 per year, just got contract renewal for same cost. Did a lot of work for us this year with watching Medicaid reimbursement closely, and ran our CM bill!

  • Other spending has been completely cut out of budget - no other expenses.

  • Golf tournament raised $2500

  • 3,000 ACNM members in CO, 13,000 CNMs and CMs in CO - need to increase membership

  • About $7000 in reserve fund

  • Symposium raised about $11,000 this past year.

Region VI update: Jessica Ellis - not present

Legislation Update: Elisa Patterson New schedule for Legislative Committee meetings is the 4th Tuesdays at 12:15pm-1:15pm Those who are already on the committee should have already received an invite. Anyone wanting to join the committee please email Elisa to get you added to the committee email list.

SGAC: Elisa Patterson - looking for new committee members, email for more information

NGAC: Lorell Erwin

  • “On the Hill” = zoom meeting in January. Will send out information for dates. To visit our senators and house of representatives. Join please!

JEDI Committee: Elisa Patterson

  • 5K Run fundraising amount TBD

  • Meet monthly, please join!

  • Goal is to endow BIPOC student scholarship, needs to occur within 5 years - 3 years in and we have raised $16,000 of the $25K required.

Project Cure: Leah Rashidyan/Jennifer Fields

  • Build birth packs that get sent overseas.

  • Sign up is full for every month except March, May, and September 2024. Sunday afternoon in Denver.

Affiliate meeting schedule for 2024:

  • One meeting a year in a different part of the state, rotating each year - otherwise all other meetings will be zoom. Grand Junction for 2024??

  • Every other month meetings

  • Board will make final decisions

  • If you have input on the day of the week that works best please reach out!

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