July 2023 Affiliate Meeting
Location: Anschutz Campus/ Zoom Hybrid
Date: 7/13/23
Board Members Present: President - Jeanne Bair, Vice President - Jolene Hamann, Treasurer - Denise Smith, Secretary - Terra Rhoades, Member-at-Large: Kala Kluender
Region VI Representative: Jessica Ellis
Affiliate Members Present: Lorell Erwin, Brittan Hosner, Amy Burgess, Loranne Guyette, Jane Avery, Jessica (midwifery student), Lanna (midwifery student), Lauren Marchessault

Harvey Cohen Morbidity & Mortality Summit 2023:
Friday, November 10, 2023 · 6am - 6:30pm MST. Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center 7800 East Tufts Avenue Denver, CO 80237
Symposium plans - Planning a smaller Autumn 2023 Symposium, date/ location TBD - maybe on the Western slope? There will be Zoom options available. Next October 2024 - full large symposium.
Update on ACNM: Changes at ACNM, resolution of Affiliate dues owed to CO from ACNM, increased access to membership information and payment of state dues.
BIPOC Midwifery Scholarship Golf Tournament - September 15, 2023, donation towards scholarship, BBQ, live music, Keynote speaker. Louisville, CO. Email Lorell if able to help!! You can donate or attend the BBQ even if you don’t want to attend the event!
Legislation Update:
Treasury report: Denise Smith - $18,500 in account currently, total profit of $14,000 from Symposium.
Membership: we are owed $4,500 from National - made an agreement about when they will pay our dues, getting under control! Working on an auto-renew process. Need a process for collecting affiliate dues from lifetime members.
NGAC (National Government Affairs Committee) - Lorell Erwin: Federal Policy Representative. If there is anything federally you’d like to advocate for please reach out to Lorell and she can advocate for our state. Here are the bills discussed at NGAC:
Voter Voice
Addresses barriers to care for advanced practice nurses (doesn’t include CMs, as they aren’t RNs)
Addresses time spent supervising OBGYN students
Share with affiliates!
Midwives for MOMs
Voter Voice
$25 million for midwifery education has been introduced (CMs and CNMs)
Black Maternal Health Momnibus
Voter Voice
13 bills that fill gaps in maternal health policy
Includes CNMs, CMs and CPMs
Privileging Bill–close to getting this bill introduced. Working towards getting a bipartisan bill which may require some concessions.
JEDI Committee: Jane Avery - Symposium went well - raised about $1200 for BIPOC Midwifery Scholarship!! Planning first week of October for midwifery week - 5K run/ walk October 1st. More details TBD.
Please consider attending the Golf Tournament on September 15, 2023!
Project Cure: Kris Combs - not present
Region VI update: Jessica Ellis - Nationally we are slowly digging through the financial crisis. Right now enough money to cover operating budgets. Not holding Midwifery Works this year - table until next year. End of July will make a decision about National ACNM meeting, as a board meeting monthly. New CEO Michelle Monore doing a great job. If you have questions please email : jess.ellis@nurs.uah.edu
Denise Smith - Working on applying for award to increase rural workforce of midwifery in Colorado, pays for full study and living expenses ($30K/year), hoping to educate 14 new midwives and students in Colorado. If you are from a rural community and feel called to serve in rural community upon graduation contact Denise!
New Business:
· Increasing membership - want to re-establish membership committee, get more people to be members!
· CMA: Meetings with Elephant Circle monthly this summer – DEMs are planning legislation to change their status to licensed rather than registered. We are planning to have a board member attend each of these meetings. Official position is they need to meet international midwifery standards.
· Affiliate Meeting outside Denver area - Discussed changing one of the autumn Affiliate meetings to the Western Slopes. TBD.
Next Affiliate meeting: September 14, 2023 (maybe change to October in Glenwood so not right before the golf tournament) TBD. Will announce when we have a date set!