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Colorado Affiliate Meeting Minutes: December 2022

Writer's picture: Gillian BrautigamGillian Brautigam

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

December 2022 Affiliate Meeting

Location: Zoom

Date: 12/7/22

Board Members Present - President: Jeanne Bair, Vice President: Jolene Hamann, Treasurer: Denise Smith, Secretary: Gillian Brautigam, Member-at-Large: Kala Kluender, Region VI Representative: Jessica Anderson

Affiliate Members Present - Jane Avery, Shana Noon, Elizabeth Diaz Ordaz, Elisa Patterson, Janie Hanson-Ernstrom

Denise Smith - Treasurer Report:

● ACNM Nationally has completely used up reserves, has a deficit

● ACNM difficulties are being mirrored in our state affiliate

● We are not in the red yet, but we are spending more than we earn - not sustainable

● Spent $12,800 more than we earned 2022, Spent $4,200 more than we earned in 2021

● We will not be able to meet our expenses moving forward if we do not increase our revenue

● Even if we bring in $5,000-$10,000 in revenues, we can maintain our commitments. However, if something doesn’t change course, we do not have a sustainable plan.

Jeanne Bair - update on Membership:

- ACNM Nationally is not sending reminders to members to renew membership and possibly not sending dues to us as they are received (lag)

- Membership #’s are a really big challenge nationally in all affiliates- any ideas for a membership drive

- In the first week of Jan - planned presentation on Certified Midwives (CMs), coincides with when we will need people to call their senators, so we need to stir up enthusiasm and participation, and possibly membership too

Jessica Anderson - update on the National Organization:

● ACNM National has been trying to investigate the financial situation and improve the finances - to reverse the deficit as summarized in the recent Town Hall on Nov 29th

● You can view the recording linked to from email sent from the ACNM Board of Directors on 12/2

● Contracting with an outside financial firm as acting CFO

● Very good work going on to investigate and improve

● AMS- new membership system is being created/set up but means ACNM Connect is paused now until this goes live

● Recruiting Interested Candidates for the Ballot for Region VI Representative to the National Board:; Application open until 12/16/22

Member suggestions for building membership:

- Get together in person and build community and camaraderie

- Have dinners, potlucks, backyard parties or events for CEU

- Have a symposium again to provide CEUs

Symposium Idea: Denise

Restart the Symposium as a source of revenue and way to bring people together

Keep cost low by hosting at an economical location: propose CU Anschutz Campus

Denise is looking for 5 other people to assist with the Symposium:

  1. Logistics and space

  2. Speakers and content

  3. CE Application

  4. Marketing and promotion (including tickets/sign up)

  5. Sponsorships

  6. Auction

Member suggestion:

- Challenge practice leaders to make it a requirement for members to participate in a National Midwifery Organization

CO Affiliate Elections are coming up: Secretary, President and Member-At-Large will be on the Ballot

SGAC and NGAC (State & National Government Affairs Committee) are always recruiting

Elisa Patterson - Legislative update:

Items for Next Session:

- MOMs Act

- Privileging Act (probably will not introduce until later in the year - possibly May during ACNM Meeting)

Colorado Legislature:

- Sunrise Application to license CMs in CO as an exception to the Nurse Practice Act was accepted in October 2022

- Lobbyist found one rep in House and one in Senate, asked to have the bill written (should be drafted by mid-December)

- We want it to be introduced early session - will have some cost (small cost) and fees

- Our two sponsors will decide between them which chamber it will go to first and that sponsor will send a bill request to the Office of Legislative Legal Services where a bill drafter (a lawyer) writes the bill. This bill will then go to the 3 committees (finance, appropriations, health) in that chamber. After several more steps it would get a final vote and if approved, would be sent to the other chamber. When it goes to the other chamber it may just need to go to finance and appropriations but not necessarily health, but we believe it may be sent to health also in the second chamber (not certain). If it is approved in the second chamber, then it would go to the governor for a signature. If the second chamber makes amendments, it has to go back to the original chamber for a revote. The exact same bill must pass both chambers before it goes to the governor for signature.

- For more information on how a Bill becomes law, watch this short YouTube Video

- Jennifer Miles (lobbyist) has created a one-pager to help summarize the key points so midwives can go to the representative in their district

- CMAC has grant money so a CM can do in-person testimony and CO is allowing virtual testimony via Zoom so CM’s can support the bill locally here in CO

- We have a 1-pager to define the varying levels of midwifery education in Colorado - CPM vs. CM vs. CNM and clarify these details

- We are aiming to bring master’s prepared graduate CM’s to the same place as CNMs in the nurse practice act - to help solve issues around maternity care deserts and free up slots in nursing programs because CM’s want to practice as midwives and not nurses

- Nursing programs are over full and turning away students due to lack of clinical sites and faculty so there is a barrier - midwives cannot get a nursing degree to continue and become CNMs

- HCPF (CO Dept of Health Care Policy & Financing) - we want to know that HCPF will allow CMs to bill by a set date so we can move forward with the legislation, and they can bill for services by the time legislation is passed

- It is also a part of the national strategic plan from ACNM to expand the CM role and part of diversifying the workforce

Jane Avery - JEDI Committee:

- BIPOC Scholarship 5K run/walk raised about $2,500

- Mentorship: want to ensure that students of color have mentors of color to extend support throughout the education journey

- Next Meeting is Tues 12/13

- BIPOC Scholarship Application is open!

Project Cure: Kris Combs (absent - no update)

Meeting Suggestions for 2023:

- It was suggested to have fewer meetings this past year (2022), but it seems worth revisiting

- CMAC Meetings alternate Mon & Weds, perhaps we also try alternating days

- Have Affiliate Meetings alternating between day/night times

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