CO ACNM Affiliate Virtual Meeting 9/9/20:
20 attendees
Guest Presentation from NGAC: Nancy & Jeanne
Bill going to Senate for Full Hospital Privileging at the National Level
Started this process in 2009
Different than just being on staff, having full privileges would protect those especially in the event that collaborating physician leaves
Update from the Western Slope: Heidi Philips & Kala Kluender
Heidi from Grand Junction:
They have weathered the fires and they are receding
Works at Blooming Babies in Grand Junction; have been very busy, increased number of new OB visits and more people desiring birth center care
Blooming Babies is now offering hospital as well as birth center births. They are also first assisting for C/S
Mesa Midwives: the last midwife moved to CA and they are currently determining if they can move on in her absence
Kala from Glenwood Springs:
Fires were 6 miles out of town, finally receding
Difficult for patients in the East to get to town when the highway closed and lost some births to this travel issue, starting to settle down
Midwife from Steamboat: they have worked with more transient families, seeing more mental health issues and stress due to job loss/housing loss/job uncertainty, seeking mental health support and resources from afar
Thursday October 15, 2020
Auction will still happen and will be online (can register even if you are not attending)
Pioneers project with debut: a tribute to Pioneer Midwives in CO
6 CEU’s with great topics and current information
36 people are registered
JEDI Committee: Anisa
Formed about 2 mos ago, have been meeting twice per month, accepting interested individuals
Setting up a speaker series
They found a speaker for the Symposium!
Will be looking for people to help raise money for a BIPOC scholarship
Legislation Update: Emily Daniels
2 bills
Children's Campaign has drafted a letter to Gov. Polis and several state agency heads asking that children and families be centered in our state's ongoing response to COVID-19; number of initiatives to protect children & families and offer continued support after pandemic
Initiative 115 – opponents asked us to formally oppose this ballot measure - https://voteno115.com/facts/ - the Affiliate Board decided to sign on as opposed using ACNM National statement on abortion
Off the Hill Day in January
We will plan to virtually visit our reps
Update on ACNM National: Jessica Anderson
Many new virtual opportunities, e.g. new leadership conference
New search for CEO at ACNM National: should be announced within a month
Virtual Inclusion Conference this weekend Sept 13/14
66th Annual ACNM Meeting & Exhibition- Portland, OR; May 21-25, 2021; Dismantling Racism in Midwifery, abstracts due by 9/11/20
Update on Region 6: Jessica Anderson
Quarterly Meetings
Townhall in late Oct/early Nov (stay tuned)
Webinar: topic and date/time TBD
Harvey Cohen M&M Meeting Sat 11/7 8a-11p
New webpage: nursemidwivesofcolorado.org
Laruen Hamilton is our new social media manager
New Instagram is: co.acnm.affiliate
IG is linked to Facebook
Project Cure still looking for volunteers
Considerations for Annual Donation: suggestions were for mental health or large contribution toward a BIPOC midwifery student