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Colorado Affiliate Meeting Minutes: October 2024


Updated: Dec 15, 2024

Colorado ACNM Affiliate Meeting – 10/8/24


Welcome and introductions:

Board members present: Jeanne Bair, Adrian Medina, Carolyn Bottone-Post

Affiliate Members present: Jessica Anderson, Haven Shoemaker, Shelby Smith, Shana Noonan, Ellen Brodrick, Jane Avery, Kala Kluender


  • Harvey Cohen Morbidity & Mortality Summit 2024: Fri, November 15, 2024, Hyatt


  • Affiliate Election: in December we will be electing: President , Secretary, Member-at-large, and student members. We have nominees for president and the student member but still need nominees for secretary and member-at-large

  • Website update: Revision is in process, we want to have an accurate list of all the Colorado practices. ACNM is also updating their Find a Midwife section – currently the only Colorado practice I found on their site was Beginnings BC – so shout out to them!!

  • Affiliate Bylaws: A copy of the draft was sent out on Connect in September – we will vote tonight if we have a quorum, otherwise we need to send out a ballot. A quorum for a meeting shall consist of two elected officers and 10% of the membership.

Treasury report: submitted by Diane Utz Treasurer’s Report: CO ACNM September 2024

Account Balances:

Checking $34,288.54

CD $ 10,210.60

Outstanding Expenses:

BIPOC Scholarship Donation- $2,583

ACNM Foundation: $1,000 (paid in September)

3 months of payments to lobbyist ($3,500)

Key Points:

Largest Revenue: Symposium, then ACNM state dues

Largest Expense: Lobbyist $18k (renewed this month with no rate increase)

Dues: ACNM up to date on all monthly payments (September payment $617.50)

Expenses September Revenue September

Lobbyist - $3,000 ACNM - $950

Golf Tournament expense – $1,912 Golf Tournament -$1940

JEDI Committee (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion):  Jane Avery

Last week our JEDI committee (Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion) decided to join the People's Parade for Birth Justice in lieu of our usual 5k around the lake. If you missed it and would like to support the committee reach out to donate!


Region VI update: Jessica Ellis was unable to attend

Project Cure:

October 27:  CU CNM Students- 

o Contact:  Shannon Pirrie~  Cell phone: 970-402-8209

 November: STRIDE ~ date TBD

 December:  No Assembly

2025 Monthly Sign-Up Schedule:

 January:

 February:

 March:

 April:

 May: 

 June:

 July:

 August:

 September:

 October: CU Nurse-Midwifery Students

 November:

 December: No Assembly

Midwife of the week: Nominate someone from your practice! To nominate a Midwife of the Week send an email to

Next Affiliate meetings:  The December 10 meeting at 6:30 pm will be in person. CooperSurgical will provide an education session about the new single-hand Paragard inserter. Dinner will be provided. The meeting will be on the Anschutz Campus so we can provide a quality virtual option for our members who are outside the Denver Metro area. We will meet in Room 1103, Education 2 North, 13120 E. 19 th Ave., Aurora, CO.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 2172 8403

Passcode: 232669

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