ACNM CO Affiliate Meeting
3/2/22 @6:30p.m. hosted at CU Anschutz campus + Zoom option
Jeanne Bair, CNM, President; Jolene Hamann- CNM, VP; Gillian Brautigam - CNM, secretary; Denise Smith, CNM, treasurer; Kala Kluender - CNM, member-at-large; Carolyn Bottone-Post, CNM, member-at large; Kelsey Magnuson, SNM, student rep
Shannon Pirrie, CNM; Jane Avery - CNM; Claire Rundell - CNM; Jessica Cumley-SNM, Danielle DiSalvo Pavone-SNM, Elizabeth Diaz Ordaz-SNM, Jenny DuFour - SNM, Miriam Chengo - SNM, Talia Page - SNM, Shanica McIntosh - SNM, Alexandra Griffith - SNM, Terra Rhodes - CNM, Ashley Character - CNM, Kris Hall, CNM, Lyndsay Lev, SNM, Torey Skaar, SNM, Talia Page, SNM, Lorell Erwin, CNM, Paige Swales, CNM, Jessica Anderson, CNM
Guests: from CMAC - committee of midwife advocates for certified midwives
Marian Seliquini, MS, CM - Chair of CMAC
Karen Kelly, MS, CM - chair of CMAC, VA
Shara Frederick, MS, CM - committee of CMAC
CMAC: an ACNM committee, division of advocacy and affiliate support
Mission: advocate for CM’s to be able to work to their full scope of practice in all 50 states
Like CNMS, they believe there should be a midwife for every woman
To increase diversity and the number of midwives
Over 50% of U.S. counties have no maternity care providers - so there is a healthcare and provider shortage
Midwives are underutilized - only ~10% of births in the U.S. are attended by midwives
Multiple pathways to midwifery education - starts with increasing the diversity and # of midwives, broaden the base of who is looking into becoming a midwife - people from diverse backgrounds; finding their way to midwifery through their own positive experience with a midwife and later in their life cycle of education (post-college)
Be part of the solution - scale up midwifery; increase access to high quality care, improve outcomes and reduce costs. Licensure of certified midwives grows the sexual and reproductive health workforce and increases access to high quality perinatal, gynecologic and primary care
CMs are the same type of midwife that CNMs are
Established in 1994. 2 programs: SUNY Downstate and Jefferson (distance based) - CNMs and CMs are working together through skills, clinical and class
Aim of creating CM pathway: address national provider shortage and expand routes of entry to midwifery
~130 total CMs, AMCB does not track those who complete post-grad RN licensure and change to a CNM designation, not a good use of time for midwives going back to get associate’s degrees to earn CNM designation
CMs educated in midwifery; CNMs educated in midwifery and nursing
However the principles that ground CMs are identical
Similarities: certifying body (AMCB), certification exam, provider scope of practice, core graduate education requirements, educational program accreditation (ACME)
Bachelor degree with certain requirements, graduate degree (accredited by ACME), state licensing exam, licensed by AMCB
AWHONN, ACOG, March of Dimes all wrote statements in support of CNM/CMs addressing maternal care shortage
As of October 2021 → these states license CMs - OK, VA, HI, NY, ME, NJ, DE, MD, DC, RI
New York: CMs and CNMs are both licensed midwives in the state, with the same privileges and scope of practice
Minnesota: has a bill that will be in this session
PA: drafting language to improve CNM scope of practice and license CMs
OR & CA - starting to look at CM licensure
Sustainability and making midwifery more accessible, how can we make more midwives that can start working as midwives, and not take up seats in a nursing program
Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Marian Seliquini:
Karen Kelly:
Access in 2 CM programs: need more programs, more funding, more clinical site placements - that is the limiting factor; looking at ways to diversify midwifery, people want to enter midwifery through non-nursing backgrounds due to a history of racism in nursing, programs in VA and MN are looking at adding a CM program
Context Around CM Legislation Initiative in Colorado
CPMs were invited to a meeting and did not express interest in licensure
Adding CMs to the NY law bumped out CPMs and made them illegal
Sunrise proposal - law has to go to the state; the state has until Oct 15th to review the sunrise and decide if they want to proceed with it → if they do then we need sponsors → then would go to legislature the next year; they came back for information a couple times but have not heard much otherwise
Want to put CMs into the nurse practice act as an exception - putting CNMs into the medical act sets a precedent (later went and added CNMs to nurse practice act)
It would have to be an amendment to our law to drop CPMs - they would have to open their sunset (really hard to do)
NY used “licensed midwife” and defined that as an ACNM-licensed midwife, but the way we have set forth the law in CO - we are trying not to impact CPMs, the goal is to open up to CMs without negatively impacting CPMs
In the application sent to DORA - DEMs were not mentioned specifically as this is meant to expand midwifery and not encumber any practicing midwives
Annual Meeting:
Registration is open, virtual or in-person option, Chicago - May 22-26, 2022
Legislative Committee Update: Elisa Patterson (in lieu of our lobbyist Diana Protopopa who is sick)
Anyone can join, email Elisa to join - it is a Zoom meeting
3 or 4 committees; 1. Birth control for undocumented women 2. Transfer from home/birth center to hospital (smooth transitions) 3. Advanced payment model for Medicaid (value-based payment program for Medicaid) - very diverse group
Colorado session: January to May
Offering to pay for pads/tampons/diapers
3 bills to abolish abortion - all were cut down
All insurance programs would have to have some kind of infertility coverage
CDPHE: would have to collect data on LGBTQI individuals on how many constituents there are
National GAC:
Midwives for Moms Bill: HB 3352; Senate Bill 1697
Likely to come in early Summer - privileging bill would add the language the hospitals need to give midwives full staff privileges; there is not an official
ACNM Meeting - PAC Rally every year with silent auction and they raise money - goes to legislators so they really know we want them to support our bills
As an Affiliate, we usually donate $1,000 to the PAC rally and something for the auction (that is CO-based)
SGAC: State Government Affairs Committee
Helping ACNM pull up scope of practice across the country, scopes are defined very differently, various states do it very differently
Treasurer Report: Denise Smith
Total funds at this time ~$25,042.66
Dues are the primary source of income, down about $500 from previous - in case you didn't get an ACNM notification - check and see whether your membership is still active
Lobbyist: $18,000/yr
Deficit of $2,500 in terms of income: expense ratio
There is a reserve of money in CODs (emergency reserve funds)
CO Affiliate topic - Ways to fundraise: Jeanne Bair
Fewer than half the CNMs in the state are members
Pretty unanimous vote that people do not want to support a symposium and do not want to help put on a symposium
Jolene has put together a postcard to send out via snail mail
To try to revive a listserv - QR code people can scan to ask to rejoin a new Google group
QR code to donate to lobbyist
Do a fundraiser at various locations around the state - last week in August - breweries or distilleries and some proceeds go toward the Affiliate and lobbyist
Region VI Board Representative - ACNM National Update: Jessica Anderson
Changes to Connect - putting a pause on TownHall to revisit what is the purpose of larger groups on Connect - there is now a bulletin board to post to ACNM members in lieu of Connect
Region VI Meeting at the National Meeting - location and date/time TBD
New task force: Rural Midwifery Task Force
We are setting up a task force to evaluate needs of midwives practicing in the rural setting. The goal is to identify opportunities and strategies to support patients and midwives living and/or working in rural communities.
The application deadline is March 11, 2022. Please contact with any questions.
Student Sale - 20% off student memberships
Student Membership Sale:
If people have items that they want to put forth to board - Jessica can bring it forward
JEDI Committee: Elisa Patteson and Lorelle Erwin
Last year raised ~$8,000 for the BIPOC scholarship
Working toward an endowed scholarship for a BIPOC SNM who is interested in working in CO, it is a $3,000 scholarship
Awaiting applications
Meet monthly the last Tues of the month - anyone can join - Email Lorell to join the JEDI committee
Ellen Brodrick: - has t-shirts if anyone wants to donate and get a t-shirt, she will mail them to you!
She is the CNM representative to the diversity team at DH, let her know if you are interested in this framework and what this position looks like
Project Cure is back up and running: Jeanne Bair
Will be beginning assembly of the Birth Kits again in April. There are still 3 months open – June, September, October. To sign up : (commitment is for 2 hours on a Sunday of their choosing from 1-3 ~ minimum of 10 volunteers needed)
1. Choose a month
2. Contact Kris Combs, , Cell: 720-934-9100 (text is best)