August 2024 Affiliate Meeting
Location: Zoom
Date: 8/13/24
Board Members Present: Jeanne Bair (president), Merrilynn Artman (VP), Terra Rhoades (Secretary), Diane Utz (Treasurer), Carolyn Bottone-Post (member-at-large)
Affiliate Members Present: Caitlin Raithel (SNM), Jen Hampton (SNM), Jordan Griffin, Lauren Miller (SNM), Mariah Baty (SNM), Rachel Snyder (SNM), Sabrina Lewis (SNM), Tonya McCown (SNM), Jane Zelenkov, Deborah, Erin (SNM), Cory V. (SNM), Jordan Griffin (SNM), Elisa Patterson, Gillian Brautigam
Elections for the Affiliate Board will be in December. This year's election will be for president, secretary, one Member-at large and student representative. New board starts in January 2025.
Harvey Cohen Morbidity & Mortality Summit 2024: Friday, November 15, 2024, Hyatt Regency DTC. Registration is open..
Colorado Affiliate of the ACNM Annual Research Award for $3000. Application deadline: August 31, 2024. Link is on Connect, or email Jeanne Bair directly.
Legislation Update: Legislative session for 2025 will be from 1/8/25 – 5/8/25. The legislative committee is open to new members. Email to be added to the committee.
Treasury report: Diane Utz
Account balance: $29,436, CD $10,210.60. Outstanding expenses for BIPOC scholarship & ACNM foundation - yet to contribute to yet this year. 4 months of payments to lobbyist ($6,000)
Largest revenue generator is Midwifery Symposium
Biggest ongoing expense is lobbyist
Expense in July 2024 to pay for website management
JEDI Committee: Jane Avery
JEDI Golf Tournament on September 13th at Coal Creek Golf Course 585 W Dillon Rd, Louisville, CO 80027
The annual JEDI 5K run will be held in Lakewood on October 6 @ 11am
Events fundraise for BIPOC student midwifery scholarship.
Any questions text Lorell 970-402-6806
Project Cure: Jennifer Fields/ Leah Rashidyan
Put together birth kits that get shipped overseas. Volunteer 2 hour commitment on one Sunday each month. Each month is currently filled for the remainder of the year except for opening in December. Please reach out if interested!
If anyone is interested in acting as a lead-coordinator to help guide groups please contact. Jennifer Fields is moving on from position, and Leah needs some help!
Region VI update: Jessica Ellis - not present
Plans for midwifery week, Theme is Midwives Looking to the Future Oct 6-12th
The JEDI 5K is kicking off the week
We usually ask for a declaration from the governor
New business:
Website- the website is being updated; an email will be going out to all members to get updated information about all the practices in the state. Please help us with this important task!
ACNM is also revamping their Find a Midwife. To update the info about your practice, log into My Portal > settings > practice director profile and complete the Practice Information section
Increasing membership -Please continue to strategize for how to increase membership. The board is trying to create a reasonably accurate list of all midwives in the state.
Elisa Patterson - thinks having 1-2 in-person Affiliate meetings each year would help boost membership and comradery amongst local midwives to connect!
Revision of the By-laws – since the college approved voting privileges to student members all states are revising their by-laws. According to our current bylaws the revised version must be provided to the Affiliate members for review 30 days before a vote to approve them. We will send them out a month before the October 8th Affiliate meeting so we can vote on them at that meeting
Gillian Brautigam - working to coordinate a comprehensive Colorado midwife compensation survey to help with salary transparency that will be going out soon so keep an eye out - email to share contacts/ emails to help spread the survey to as many midwives as we can reach (not just ACNM members), wanting to be as inclusive and comprehensive as possible!
Next Affiliate meeting:
October 8th at 6:30PM
December 10th at 6:30PM